Photographer | Food & BEVERAGE Stylist | recipe Developer | PRIVATE & EVENT CATERER

Amy Holt, Founder of Peas Thank You specializes in photography, food, Beverage & PRODUCT stylinG and recipe development. Peas Thank You is based in Los Angeles, California and has been Featured iN Shoutout LA, Goop, Lettuce Grow and Brightland Co. Amy’s passion and love for what she does radiates.

All photoGRAPHY and recipes are styled, photographed and written by Amy.  AMY’S philosophy around food is simple: you eat with your eyes first. This belief has driven HER success in styling and documenting food. AMY loveS sourcing fresh ingredients from the farmer’s market and strongly believeS that eating seasonal and local produce is the foundation of any delicious meal.

AMY Started Peas Thank You to share HER recipes with friends, and today has grown PEAS THANK YOU into an all encompassing creative studio. This allows HER to bring visions to life, from creating a visual identity for start up brands to working on international campaigns. Amy is a great example of someone who whole heartily loves what they do.

For recipe development, food Or prop styling, photography, event catering, private dinners and more please get in touch, we would love to hear from you!




Peas Thank You // All Rights Reserved